The 5 Biggest Marriage Proposal Mistakes

Published by MarlowsDiamonds at Apr 08, 2022
The 5 Biggest Marriage Proposal Mistakes

Once you've decided that you are going to propose to your loved one, you're undoubtedly going to be a bubbling mixture of anxiety and excitement. This is a moment that you are both going to remember for the rest of your lives. The moment doesn't have to be (and probably won't be) as completely and utterly perfect as you imagine in your head. You may stumble on your words, or wobble on your knee, it may even rain, but none of this matters in the long run. Remember to not let your nerves get the best of you and try to avoid these top-five marriage proposal mistakes.

Asking too soon

So, you think you've met the one. They're beautiful and intelligent, you share lots of the same interests as well as the all-important sense of humor. It's no wonder that you're in a rush to seal the deal. However, it's important to wait until you have reached the honeymoon stage before you pop the big question. You may be dizzy with infatuation, but until you know you can weather your beloved's every mood, face every flaw and that they are as ready to commit as you are, it's best to wait. After all, nobody wants to face the awkward "I need to think about it" response.

Proposing in front of an audience

This is a mistake that hundreds of people make daily. Likely, you feel so passionately about your other half that you want to announce your love to the entire world. However, more often than not partners would prefer a private, romantic, and secluded occasion. Proposing in front of a huge crowd or front of family and friends may seem like a big romantic gesture at the time, but in fact, it may make your other half feel awkward, self-conscious, and nervous in a bad way. Naturally, this depends on the personality of your beloved. If you're not sure what they would like, play it safe and keep it private so that you can enjoy being in your little love bubble.

Revealing the surprise

Once you've formulated an awe-inspiring proposal plan, it can be all too easy to get loose-lipped and start telling your friends and family members about your intentions. As much as you think that you can confide in others, juicy information always finds a way of getting out and making the rounds. If too many people find out about your proposal plans, you will suddenly find there are a lot of unnecessary questions and pressure on the whole affair. Or worse, your potential fiancée may catch wind of the entire plan before the time is right. Even if they don't find out, they may feel disappointed that everybody already knows about the proposal and there's no one left to tell!

Rushing the moment

Once you've bought your sweetheart a stunning diamond engagement ring, you may feel like it's burning a hole in your pocket. Carrying around a beautiful engagement ring is enough to make you constantly feel on edge and you may not be able to relax until you've finally asked the question. It's important to not let your nerves get the better of you and pop the question before the time is right. If they are asking lots of questions, or if they ask you what you have in your pocket, stay calm and try to deflect and distract. Don't crumble and get on one knee in the supermarket aisle because you can't think of an excuse quickly enough. Hide your ring well and know your cover story inside out.

Proposing without a ring

A proposal is a declaration of your undying love for your partner and a request for a lifetime of commitment. It is likely to be one of the most important and honest things you will ever say and share with another person. As important as saying all the right things is, it's also important to show that you love your partner. In keeping with tradition, a proposal without an engagement ring just wouldn't seem legitimate. You may feel that it isn't important, but it may be a very important aspect for your partner. An engagement ring is a beautiful token of your affection, as well as a way to seal the deal.

At Marlow's Diamonds, we can help you choose the perfect engagement ring for your partner. Don't propose empty-handed; do your research and choose one of our timeless engagement rings to remind them of this happy and memorable occasion.

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