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Eternity rings reaffirm the bond

Published by MarlowsDiamonds at Apr 07, 2022
Eternity rings reaffirm the bond

Life is a fascinating journey and so is love. Symbols of love do not stop with the engagement ring and wedding band. As time goes on in the life of a married couple, there are other significant occasions that are traditionally celebrated with rings.

Many people consider the birth of their first child such an occasion and will consider marking the occasion with eternity rings. For others, there doesn't have to be a birth to celebrate or another large event. They simply want to show their partner how much they care.

For people, the giving of eternity rings are a reaffirmation of the love they have shared for a time. Of course, eternity rings can be any shape, size and design; after all it is a personal choice between a husband and wife. There are certain designs that are eagerly sought after and have been labelled as eternity rings.

Closer bond

Always keep in mind the hints that wives tend to drop every so subtly once in a while. The most sought after eternity rings are in white gold, yellow gold and platinum. The stones for eternity rings are diamonds, the symbol of eternal love. The stone settings can be the tri-setting with three diamonds, the centre one being larger than the side stones.

The other settings are either the full cover with diamonds around the ring or the half cover with diamonds set across the top. Whether the choice will be the tri-setting or the half or full cover will depend on what the lady prefers.

What suits her hand the best also needs to be considered. Marlows Certified Diamonds have all the options available to assure that the perfect eternity ring can be found for this very special ring.

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